Houston Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee has introduced HR-127 for Speaker Pelosi to take up debate in Congress. In case you have not heard, HR-127 – which was introduced on January 4, 2021 - is a gun control bill that would radically alter our precious Second Amendment forever. And now, over the weekend Joe Biden has called for Congress to take action on gun control. The Virginia House of Delegates passed a bill that would create scholarship programs exclusively for a subset of people. The bill's original form denoted that the funds be given to students of a specific race, but the language was softened to extend to “individuals or specific communities with a demonstrated historic connection to slavery.” The Oregon Department of Education is promoting a program for teachers that seeks to “dismantle racism in mathematics,” alleging that focusing on finding the right answer is a symbol of white supremacy. 


Stop Wasting Money on the F-35
