As members of Antifa rioted in a residential area in southeast Portland, someone on the crowd threw a Molotov cocktail, lighting a fire in the street and setting another protester on fire. San Francisco Mayor London Breed, who has been adamant about enforcing coronavirus-related regulations on residents of her city, excused Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s decision to flout the city’s lockdown restrictions to get a blowout at a salon by attacking President Donald Trump, calling the president a “dictator” and a “terrorist.” Two men said to be linked to the ‘Boogaloo’ movement were charged for attempting to lend support to a US-designated terrorist group, allegedly offering guns and other assistance to federal agents posing as Hamas members. The German migrant transport NGO Sea-Eye has announced it is ready to set sail on a new mission to pick up migrants in the Mediterranean and bring them to Europe. This and more as time allows, plus don't forget about the Edwards Notebook and the Veteran's Tip of the Day! 

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