Previous Episode: Arizona Distilling Company
Next Episode: Scottsdale Beer Company

The first time I saw Fayuca was at McDowell Mountain Music Festival in 2012. In between shows on the main stage we noticed a flock of people gravitating to the corner of the festival toward the local stage. As we got closer we could feel the energy of the crowd feeding off of this 3 piece band who was just killing it. Fronted by a charismatic singer/guitarist this band instantly won me over.

The 2nd time I saw them was a few years later. By then they had grown to a 5 piece band but that same  raw energy existed, and now even more so. They had grown from a raw kick ass local band to this polished amazing band that was on the path to greatness. When I started the Tap That AZ podcast I wanted intro music that meant something to Arizona. I had zero questions about where I wanted to get that music from and luckily lead singer/guitarist/founder Gabo was more than happy to allow me to use their song "La Negra Tomasa" as my theme music.

I've been following Fayuca throughout the years and when I heard they were collaborating with Helio Basin Brewing Company I was ecstatic: my favorite local band (actually one of my favorites period) and one of my favorite breweries working together. Can't beat that. And then when they reached out and asked me to be a part of it? Hell yeah! No brainer!

In this episode we talk with Gabo, his business partner BJ of "Made in Phx" and Helio Basin brewer Dustin to talk about the collaboration and Fayucas upcoming tour in which they'll play 16 shows in 22 days.

On August 24th there will be a launch party for the beer at Helio Basin Brewing Company. In addition to the "Fayuca Rizing Summer Pale Ale" release there will also be live music and awesome merch. Come to the party! It will be awesome.

Enjoy the show!