When it comes to pretty much anything cool you have people who come out of the woodwork claiming they'd been with it since the beginning. Well, John Alvarado, known to the Arizona beer community (and his mother in law) as Hoppymoto, has been part of this budding beer scene since the genesis of it. On top of that, he has played a major role in the development of the community with his top-notch beer tour company, aptly named Arizona Brewery Tours.  

In this episode, we sit down with Hoppyomoto to talk about his adventures with ABT as well as what he's seen develop over the past few years with Arizona Beer. We even have a few special guests. Enjoy the show!

Extra special thanks to Chris Dodson for his awesome production/editing work to help put the audio side of the episodes together

Intro/Outro music is "La Negra Tomasa" by the awesome local Arizona band Fayuca

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