Justin Cross is a great episode to the podcast. We are following him on his journey to opening up his own brewery here in Arizona in a mini-series called "Somethings Brewing" (listen to part 1 and part 2 so far). As much as Justin is passionate about beer he is possibly equally as passionate about fitness. So Justin did what many before him did. He thought "Hmmm. Fitness and beer. They go together like.....well, fitness and beer". When he first presented his theory to me I thought "This poor fellas needs to tighten up his technique on skull crushers and not take it so literally". But then he explained it. And it made sense. You don't have to choose one or the other. You can really have both. Its all about balance. Another guy with the same idea and Justin's good friend Elliott aka Apartment Bartender together came up with the idea of Earn Your Booze, a philosophy about having that balance and making sure you earn those drinks by kicking butt by getting some sort of exercise in.

This concept has caught fire and finds the guys shipping t-shirts across the world. And now, they have their first event coming up this Saturday November 4th at Scottsdale Beer Company. The event is going to be a prime example of earning your booze. Rush Club is going to be putting on an awesome workout and competitions while The Viking from Peak Nutrition is going to be laying down some knowledge on how to make good choices while still enjoying yourself when out for some drinks. And you can even get a tour of the brewery and enjoy one of their many awesome beers. And we will be there as well. Aaron will be shooting video and Eric will be participating in the workout. For about 4 minutes. Before throwing up and passing out. It's gonna be awesome. 

Click HERE for full event details 

Intro/Outro music is "La Negra Tomasa" by the awesome local Arizona band called Fayuca

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