In this episode, I sit down with Alex Phillips from Grand Canyon Brewing and Nathan Reese from Trout Unlimited. Along with the Arizona Wildlife Foundation and the Arizona Society of Homebrewers contest winner Jeff Skaggs they created a beer called Conservation Kolsch. The goal of this brew is to bring attention to the damage that uranium mining is causing to the Grand Canyon and the surrounding national forest. This is why I love Arizona beer: seeing the bigger picture about what is going on with the environment of this great state and doing all that it can to be part of the solution. Enjoy the show!

Protect Your Canyon Website

Trout Unlimited Website

Grand Canyon Brewing Website

Arizona Wildlife Federation Website

Extra special thanks to Chris Dodson for his awesome production/editing work to help put the audio side of the episodes together

Intro/Outro music is "La Negra Tomasa" by the awesome local Arizona band Fayuca

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