Show notes by the infamous Classy Alcoholic:

So many of the microbreweries in Tucson have made significant contributions to the hype and fame that’s defined the Arizona craft beer scene for the last half-decade. 1912 Brewing Co is a place that has been producing quality beer for a couple of years but has somehow managed to fly under the radar thus far. The locals love them and they’ve been on the lips (both figuratively and literally) of the few Phoenix beer enthusiasts who have made the trek down south to the Old Pueblo.

But they aren’t flying under the radar anymore. Because just a few weeks before this episode was recorded, 1912 Brewing was signed by an AZ distributor that is expanding their reach into every part of Arizona. 

The owner and head brewer of 1912, Alan Conger, is the guest on today’s episode. And instead if listening to the sweet, smooth voice of your regular host Eric Walters, this ep has been hijacked by Arizona’s #1 craft beer blogger: The Classy Alcoholic. 

Mr. Classy is the guest host today and his slurring, drunken fat voice will guide you through Alan’s story as he shares some experiences from his time in the Marine Corps, his struggles transitioning from a homebrewer to one of Arizona’s most prominent craft beer creators and his plans for the future of his business. 

Just a few days before this episode aired 1912 Brewing Company successfully canned three of their best beers and they’re currently available now wherever fine AZ beer is sold. 

So listen in and make sure to send us some good feedback on how well The Classy Alcoholic did hosting this episode. Seriously, he needs the self-esteem boost. His parents never told him they were proud. He’s sad. He’s so, so sad. 

The Classy Alcoholic Arizona’s #1 beer and wine blogger.

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Sent from my iPhone while drunk. 

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