Kristy Lee assists people who are struggling with issues ranging from money blocks to loneliness to poor health. If you feel you are doing all the right things but still get no results, Kristy can zero in on the blocks, whether they are recent ones, from your childhood or even from a past life. With guidance from your Akashic Records /Book of Life and energetic healing on a Soul level You will be assisted with breaking through your blocks, clear emotional pain, fear and Karmic loops to help you bring balance, harmony and confidence into your life. We clear and release energy around: Soul contracts that are complete but feel stuck Vows / contracts of povery Vows/ contracts of marterdrom Vows / contracts of failed Relationship Vows / contracts of family discordance (death, foster homes, addiction, family feuds) Vows / contracts of self defeating behaviors Vows of love such as “I will love you forever” but find it’s not a good fit in this life Clear childhood programs of Co-dependency where on family wants that for us Release energy of low self-esteem Clear heart chakra and emotional chakra to function in present time, bring soul into the body Counter party contracts, mirrors etc