In this episode I’m joined by a lovely couple for a round table discussion on responsible psychedelic sexuality.

We discuss:

our personal approaches to consenting psychedelic self pleasuring practices with ourselves
how and when psychedelics and other sacred plants are appropriate for them in their relationship
the shadow of alcohol and hard drugs
patterns of unconscious sexuality of the punk movement
sexuality in the neo-hippie subculture
the shadow of guru worship
cults around spiritual leaders
student/teacher sexual dynamics
exploitation of followers
predatory behavior patterns in ayahuasca communities
the dangers of free love
ego and peer pressure
corruption of those taking money for sexual healing or spiritual guidance
patient/client dating time delay requirements
examples in other professional sectors of ethics and code of conduct standards
sexual political economy
boundaries around involving state authorities in restorative justice
Psychedelic Patriarchy video
incident denial when survivors come out
creating supportive space
reporting incidents of abuse by emailing: hello [at]
the role of trained mediators
can sociopaths be rehabilitated?
calling out celebrities
accountability, hide or be accountable
admitting when wrong
the no more hiding now project
the logic and morality of triage in emergency response
standard operating procedures trained and drilled as a form of preparedness
sharing tools for building incident response social infrastructure
grey areas of consent
potential for redemption of perpetrators through service work
personal hard lessons with sexual misconduct
functional and dysfunctional investigations
gossip, drama, telephone games
appropriate scrutiny of public figures
compassion for those who’ve fallen from grace
the shadow of shunning and displacing perps
harm reduction, success stories
shamanic ceremonial healing for perps and ex-cons
when survivors aren’t ready to bring it to light
how people take sides, defend perps, and subvert advocates
asking the victim what they need
not assuming you know how/when you should apologies
consent in the process of justice
How Psychedelics Informed My Sex Life and Sex Work by Annie Sprinkle:
About Leia:
Leia Friedman, M.S. is a teacher, writer, and connectress. She is the cofounder of Boston Entheogenic Network, host of the podcast “The Psychedologist: consciousness positive radio,” the integration resource list volunteer coordinator for MAPS, and a permaculturalist. Her work focuses on phenomena related to the human experience of consciousness through the lens of social and environmental justice. Leia is exploring ways to bridge the diverse and multidimensional intersections of psychedelics and ecology while residing at Happy Acres Farm in Sherman, CT.

About Matt:
Matt hollander is one of the founders of BEN the boston entheogenic network, a psychonaut and the singer of the boston hardcore punk band ancient filth. He is interested in the intersection of radical politics psychedelics and non duality.

Please check out their projects: