In this episode I’m joined by de Vie Weinstock, a Consciousness Catalyst who teaches people to dare to be present with the wholeness of their being. We explore the vastness of ancient tantric lore and philosophy as well as the practicality of personal tantric practice beyond the genitals. Together we discover new hopes for positive transformation and conscious evolution!

About de Vie:

“What can be said about consciousness that has chosen to devote itself to an endless intimacy with presence? Devotion to the truth is not confined the stories of the world, or the stories of success. Who are we when we go beyond the stories —which are, after all, only stories? Then we are left with the conscious experience of this moment, whatever it may be. We are left with the unadulterated wholeness of the self, as it is, in ‘the world’ as it is.”

Under what conditions will you allow yourself to embrace truth? Through her Dare to Be Present® service, de Vie offers connection, support, & guidance on this path we are all on back to wholeness. Participants have experienced meditational inspiration and guidance as well as healing of chronic conditions such as stress and anxiety. In a world that still recklessly invests in the false appeal of endless stories, we have this opportunity to connect in reality, on the fertile ground of The Now. de Vie can be reached through her site at: