In this episode I’m joined by Larry Fredrick a highly experienced and accomplished evolved masculine coach. He shares the intimate details of his journey of personal growth through the catharsis of the early punk rock movement, transcending a failing marriage, getting into self-help, pick-up artistry, and ultimately a diverse array of spiritual and sexual mastery programs.

He has a down-to-earth perspective on learning and teaching practical self-improvement skill sets for men. With over 10 years of advanced training and practice he’s developed the “Rock Your Cock” program for men to really step into their power from a place of heart-centered, mindful, and spiritual consciousness.

I was most intrigued by his stories of experiencing authentic traditional tantric initiation in the jungles of India and his explanation of how he’s been able to adapt the teachings and apply them in his own love and sex life, as well as transmit the teachings to his students.

It was a deep honor and pleasure to have this opportunity to speak with a fellow rocker who’s living the dream as a tantric punk, has worked directly with many of my heroes, and who embodies forms of tantric magic that you can’t learn from books alone.

About Larry:

Larry Fredrick is an award winning international educator. He’s also a sex coach;
licensed and certified in Erotic Blueprints, Sexological bodywork, Neurolinguistic
Programming, Hypnotherapy, and Somatic Sex Education.

Larry works with men who want to clearly find and express their desires so they can
feel empowered in finding passion, pleasure, and juicy hot sex. He has traveled the
globe, from the mountains of Peru to Tantric temples in the jungles of India, training
with some of the top names in the fields of self transformation and sexual education
including Jaiya Ma, David Deida, Michaela Boehm, Destin Gerek, Satyen Raja and Joseph

From having issues with erectile dysfunction, performance and social skills, to
becoming a multi-orgasmic man with the skills and techniques of a confident lover,
Larry helps men step into their full erotic power so they can have more confidence in
the bedroom and in their relationships.
