In this episode I’m joined by Matthew Schultz, a distinguished multi-media artist, musician and ceremonialist with a vast array of experience in both modern dark ambient experimental music and traditional shamanic ritual and ceremony. I discovered his work recently via the Psychedelic Salon podcast episode 607 and realized we have a lot in common. On parallel paths, we’ve both been evolving from unguided musical shadow practice, to seeking shamanic ceremony, and integrating higher consciousness and vibration based on our sonic discoveries and revelations.

We get to learn about his unique and adventurous music career, his diverse shamanic initiations and his personal struggles with reconciling music, medicine, magic, and the archetype of the sacred trickster.

We also commiserate on the rampant plague of “spiritual-bypass” and “light-washing” which keeps many in the new age scene from confronting dark truths within themselves, their spiritual communities, and beyond. We discuss the need to integrate a shamanic perspective an astral ecology and develop a modern scientific framework to understand astral parasites.

He provides a much needed catharsis for those who have been tip-toeing on the egg-shells of spiritual correctness. It was an exquisite joy to be able to compare notes and share many deep healing laughs about the state of the world. A moderate dose of cynicism is counter balanced by a heroic dose of divine love and light that is truly contrasted by a clear gaze into the dark abyss. Ultimately we share great positivity, hope, and enthusiasm for an ever more enlightened future as old paradigms melt away and the psychedelic movement moves towards more of a “localvore” approach to cultivating and harvesting medicine species.

About Matthew:

Matthew John Schultz is a multimedia artist, musician, inventor, sculptor and indigenous practitioner. He was a founding member of Pigface and the dark ambient band Lab Report that included such diverse musicians as Genesis Breyer P-Orridge, and Lydia Lunch. Schultz also invented the A.T.G. or Anti Tank Guitar and utilized this instrument with both bands. In total, Schultz has appeared on over 29 cds with 9 solo productions and 2 feature film soundtracks (Ivan’s XTC and Snuffmovie) for Hollywood director Bernard Rose.

In 2010, Schultz manifested the esoteric and ancient fraternal order of The Division which reconstructed ancient spells and rituals. Mantras is the first in a trilogy of discs that express all aspects of The Division. Matt’s latest release is Mandalas. This album contains binaural beats and tones to aid in meditation and dream states.

Matt has also spent time in Peru working at an Ayahuasca healing center as a facilitator. He has worked with Lakota elders for over a decade and was initiated by Mayan elders in 2010. He is a water pourer and peace pipe carrier. He continues to be involved in indigenous medicine ceremonies of many varieties and runs sweat lodges outside of Chicago, Illinois.

To view his fine artwork, mandalas, music and more please visit

To visit his website for his sweat lodges please go to

To friend him in Facebook please go to