In this episode I’m joined again by one of my most revered shamanic practitioner Christina Pratt, this time for a discussion about the effects of social media and other mobile apps on the development of the psyche and soul. She shares a wealth of insights into the multi-dimensionality of the issues and provides guiding lights of hope for how we can be in right relationship with our techno toys and tools.

We both share a sense of deep appreciation for the ancient technology that is the natural human imagination stimulated by nature, direct contact with the spirit world, and the experience of spoken story.

Please visit her websites at:

About Christina:
Thirty years ago with, a full cosmology of spirit help, Christina, brought forward The Cycle of Transformation, an extremely challenging, four-year training in the shamanic skills needed to create the New World in our time. She is the founder and primary shamanic healer at Last Mask Center ( in Portland, Oregon and the author of the two-volume set, An Encyclopedia of Shamanism. Christina’s international, live-Internet radio show, Why Shamanism Now, offers over 350 hours of free podcasts on the practical application of shamanism in the archives at (