In this episode I’m joined again by my dear beloved soul bro of more than two decades, Wilhelm Cortez. (Listen to our first episode here) We’ve both been working hard in collaboration on overhauling and editing the manuscript for my forthcoming first book entitled: “Psychedelic Goddess Worship: Erotic Memoirs from the Astral Battlefield”.

I thought it would be fun and engaging to give a bit of a “behind the book” commentary so we could both compare notes and commiserate on the arduous process of co-creating hopefully a potential modern epic.

We discuss the backstory of how our personal life journeys have intertwined throughout the years going back to the old days in the Portland Gutter Punx scene and the forest defense encampments, then we give an overview of the events leading up to his encouragement and editorial role for my articles on the Good Men Project website, then we cover the events leading up to the formation of the Connection Victory publishing company. This leads to our dialog about the inner-workings of the book editing process, discovering emergent properties hidden between the lines, getting stuck and unstuck, converting an otherwise dry pseudo-scientific pseudo-academic tome, into a sci-fi-esque romance novel, and much more.

It has and will continue to be a great honor to have his expertise and wisdom informing and guiding the project in ways I could never have imagined. It’s a trip how the book is a sort of living creature filled with its own paradoxical angels and demons. We discuss how since Wilhelm has been involved, he has in different ways become both entangled and liberated through the process.

We’re looking forward to an official release later this year, stay tuned!!!

Please connect with Wilhelm via email at: globalnomadway (at) gmail (dot) com