In this episode I’m joined by the deeply powerful and empowering Miriam Elyse for a conversation about the intersections of healing, loving, and martial arts. She shares her personal journey into her studies and practices of acupuncture, tantra, and Kalari an ancient Indian martial arts form.

We discuss the need for training the body to be strong and defensible and our hope that modern spirituality movements will reclaim and embrace sacred warrior archetypes.

About Miriam:
Miriam Elyse is a licensed Acupuncturist, certified Tantra Yoga practitioner and founder of Pleasure as Medicine. She has her Master’s degree in Science and Chinese Medicine, and has been practicing acupuncture for 11 years. Miriam began studying Tantra Yoga for her personal healing during Acupuncture school and she noticed how both traditions emphasize the healing effects of sexual energy.

When she was a young woman she experienced sexual harassment that made her feel unsafe and ashamed of her body. Through intensive yoga training at the age of 18 she was able to experience power and sensuality own her body which reconnected her to her inner strength. She took on a meditation practice at a young age and began studying with healers from Native American and Tantric traditions, which now strongly influences her work.

Today Miriam has a private practice in southern California specializing in women’s sexual health, teaches monthly Tantra workshops and leads group retreats helping people reconnect to the wisdom of their bodies and remove barriers to love and pleasure.

You can find her at:
@pleasureasmedicine on instagram
Pleasure as Medicine group on Facebook.