In this episode I’m joined by my most revered shamanic practitioner Christina Pratt. I’ve diligently studied her podcast archive and found her to be without a doubt the foremost scholar of all things shamanic. I was delighted to have the opportunity to explore her personal background in more detail, to learn about the mechanisms of shamanic healing, and to take a sobering look at the epidemic of soul loss, its dire consequences, yet potentially simple solutions.

Please visit her websites at:

About Christina:

Thirty years ago with, a full cosmology of spirit help, Christina, brought forward The Cycle of Transformation, an extremely challenging, four-year training in the shamanic skills needed to create the New World in our time. She is the founder and primary shamanic healer at Last Mask Center ( in Portland, Oregon and the author of the two-volume set, An Encyclopedia of Shamanism. Christina’s international, live-Internet radio show, Why Shamanism Now, offers over 350 hours of free podcasts on the practical application of shamanism in the archives at (