In this episode I have the pleasure and honor of exploring the deep and profound insights and experience of Reverend Goddess Charmaine of I was turned on to her work several years ago by a dear friend and while catching up on her online radio show archives I discovered that she boldly and bravely confronts the shadow of sexuality. It was a breath of fresh air to hear her empowered voice of sexual trauma survival and healing. I’m very grateful that she blessed my podcast by telling her personal story and sharing strength and solidarity with me as wounded healers who are ceaselessly healing.

Here are links mentioned in the show:

Spirits Entities and Demons ~ The Evil Side of SEX!

Parasites: Sexual & Spiritual

The Butterfly Goddess (Laurie Handlers) shares erotic enlightenment and more!

Please visit her website at:

About Reverend Goddess Charmaine:

Reverend Goddess Charmaine was ordained by the New Seminary, a school of interfaith theology in New York City. She is a trained Reiki Master, Crystal Reiki Master, certified hypnotherapist, trained aromatherapist, and tantric energy specialist. She primarily focuses her energy work through Shamanism, trained by Kenneth Ray Stubbs through the Path of the Sexual Shaman all levels.

She has led workshops in the tri-state area since 1992, and is continually increasing her work as a facilitator of personal empowerment through her workshops such as chakra intensives, Goddess Initiations, Second Sunday and Clothing Optional (Naked Church) Services, energetic Merge Ceremonies, and Tarot Readings online, Spirit and Erotic Spirit Circles and various others that continue to support empowerment and erotic enlightenment for all. Online and In Person.

Rev. Goddess has written two books, The Sensuous Mystic ~ Uniting Sex and Spirit and The Goddess Scrolls ~ Sacred Erotic Tales that inspire and enlighten along with her ongoing radio blogtalk show The Sensuous Mystic airing live most Wednesday nights at 8pm EST.

In July, 2000, in a primitive and intense ritual, she was initiated into Goddess-hood. From this ceremony, she realized that she’d been called to bring forth the unification of Sex and Spirit.

Her unique methods center on our natural ability to evolve by healing ourselves and others. With her guidance and assistance, one is lead through a series of letting-go processes. These experiences enable one to work through and leave behind a lifetime of fears and paralyzing self-doubt, to attain the position of strength and power that is rightfully their own within their Holy Bodies.

Goddess Blessings