Tania talks the pros and cons of the book "How to be an antiracist" by Dr. Ibram X Kendi with guest Karla Thomas: a black, gay, immigrant, parent and fellow antiracist activist. Whether you have read the book or not there is something for you here. With the intention of offering more perspectives and challenging some ideas that are problematic Tania and Karla delve into ideas that could be weaponized and discuss what they think about Kendi's thesis that "black people can be racist"(10:38) while also talking gun powder, labradoodles, "cleaning up the mess you made" and more. And at 38:54 Tania addresses a point about trauma that felt personal and relates it to the murders of Botham Jean and Joshua Brown. (Tania apologize for mispronouncing Mr. Jean's first name)***During the intro Tania teases an announcement but the episode ended in a direction she didn't expect so she will make the announcement online.*** 
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