Next Episode: Lyrics of Tango

Tango is our passion. We dance it, we sing it, we feel it and we podcast about it. It has to do with immigration; it was born in the late 1800 and has a lot of nostalgia.

Tango historians defined 6 eras of tango since it was born. Those are:
The Origins (until 1895)La Guardia Vieja – the old guard (1895-1925)La Guardia Nueva – the new guard (1925-1950)The vanguard and modernization  (1955-1970)Contemporary period (1970-2000)Current Period (since 2000 on)
In this first episode, we'll review all these periods and we'll talk about musicians, composers, singers and poets, and we'll analyze the lyrics and the social context that made these pieces of art appear.

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