01:54 Tisha makes her side hustle the main hustle 

04:17 Get started, have a mentor, have a vision, and invest in yourself

09:12 Choose a skill you love and focus on it

12:01 Gain momentum, increase confidence, and keep going 

19:00 Networking tip: Strike up genuine conversations 

22:14 Create your personal brand: Personal and work life will always intertwine

30:07 Connect with Tisha


04:36 "You have to get out there. You have to start getting out and networking. I had a mentor that I highly recommend when you're starting something, having a mentor, having someone that's 10 steps ahead of you, that can be there to be bouncing ideas off of."

06:31 "Every time I invested in myself, every time I said, okay, I believe in myself, I'm going to do this, I'm going to put the money even though it could be a little bit of an air situation, it absolutely came back to me in the form of new opportunities."

12:44 "Once you start with one, it's easier to start building the momentum because now what happens, you're believing yourself, the confidence is there and now you, in a way, are unstoppable. You just keep going."

17:37 "Get back up, do it again, get back up, do it again. And you see that you progressively get better if you keep learning. If you keep surrounding yourself with the right people and you keep going with it." 

23:38 "What I always share, the biggest takeaway that I feel people get when I talk about personal branding is that your personal and your professional life are going to intertwine. There's no mistake about it."

You can find out more about Tisha in the links below:

LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/tishamariepelletier/Website - https://tishamarie.com/

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