01:30 Updates on Ashley's life and being a mom and executive

05:27 Successful moms today also have side hustles

07:13 Early mistakes in business and nurturing the entrepreneurial mindset

16:02 Frontloading risk and learning through experience 

19:30 Delegating and prioritizing your time for what's truly important

23:43 Ashley's 7 best business decisions

29:22 Connect with Ashley


05:34 "There are lots of women, especially moms, who are doing amazing things in their jobs. Like really making a big impact. And then coming home and everybody has a side hustle."

07:59 "My business just got eaten by the recession and I was sort of spit out from that experience feeling like well, that was a gigantic mistake. I couldn't quite see that it had gotten me into tech and taught me to be a programmer."

10:38 "You think of it like side hustles, and I think of it like I have 24 hours in a day and I really don't want to be dedicated to just 1 thing. Because that's boring and also I'm a multifaceted person."

12:21 "I actually have a hard and fast rule, but I don't create anything until I've sold it. There's no point putting your time and effort into something that you haven't validated as being something someone will buy."

25:06 "The reason that I started VA agency is because I kept looking over the shoulders of my clients and saying, I don't understand how you're going to get anything done. You are smired in admin and someone else can be doing this for you."

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