Episode Notes

Two thugs decide to rob a Gnomish wedding, but the tinker race throws one heck of a party.

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----Personal Notes----

I'm going to be interviewed on Bryan's podcast soon! Check back here and I will add a link once it's posted

---- About Tall Tale TV ----

I'm Chris Herron and I created Tall Tale TV to help aspiring authors increase their fan base by promoting them to my followers. They say the strongest form of advertisement is word of mouth, so I give them something to help get people talking! Help them out and spread the word. Click the share button and let the world know about this author.

---- Story Submission ----

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---- legal ----

All images used in this video are either original or Royalty and Attribution free. Most stock images used are provided by http://www.pixabay.com . Image attribution will be declared only when required by the copyright owner. All stories on Tall Tale TV have been submitted in accordance with the terms of service provided on http://www.talltaletv.com or obtained with permission by the author.
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