The Vegas Golden Knights are on fire, the Oilers & Sens are a tire fire and the All Star Game should be tossed in the fire...

Matt & Rob look around the hockey world and cover a couple of the more pressing current issues.

Up first, given the success of the Vegas expansion team and the fact that they were only allowed to select other team's spare parts, is there any reason at all that every other NHL GM shouldn't be fired on the spot?

Then, the boys discuss some of the under lying issues that have stopped the Oilers from being able to pull out of their nose dive. A couple of noted agitators are actually having the opposite effect they're supposed to.

The conversation then turns to the Ottawa Senators as they wonder out loud if the team's batsh*t crazy owner has always been this nuts and was simply being pacified by great goaltending and better management or if this is a new level of insanity that has set in.

Finally, the boys wind things down discussing some oft he more notable omissions to the NHL All Star rosters and wonder if this 3 on 3 format has run it's course. What might be a cool version to try next?