On Audio Whiplash 102 the guys get to the important questions that you've all been asking.

Like - how far in to a relationship do you have to get before it's okay to shit with the door open...


Later on, the LCBO has decided you're too childish to be able to determine that their stores are a place to look for liquor and not for medicine and have banned a local brewer's product for, I guess, misleading you.

And on the heels of that a conversation, what do the guys think of the brand new "beer tax" that's being implemented in Ontario? Is that the price you pay for public medicine or just another cash grab by the Province?

And lastly, as the President deals with his latest scandal involving infidelity with a porn star, how come the media think it's a bigger deal that he's had consensual sex with a porn star than all the unconsensual stuff he's been accused of? Just another case of the better story taking priority over the real news. Shameful.

Join the boys on Audio Whiplash as they discuss all this and more.

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