Two guests, two topics, two beers; every two weeks. Nominally starting with social enterprise and creativity, then regularly diverging to sublime ridiculousness around a table in Christchurch, New Zealand. Hosted by David Binstead and Jaya Gibson. 

This week: Netta Egoz/ Pecha Kucha ChCh organiser and lawyer; and returning guest Rob Henderson/ C-Lab co-work space and Sparkbikes bikeshare pilot lead.

Shownotes and links:

Pecha Kucha Christchurch
Halloween follow-up
Beer #1: Archibald IPA - Brave Brewing Co.
Topic #1: 5th November/ Guy Fawkes
Parihaka - International Peace Festival 5 Nov 
Beer #2: Bookbinder by Emmersons (now owned by Lion AU)
Topic #2: Christmas holidays and food
Tofurkey via Wikipedia
Pictures of 'Rob's' Xmas culinary delights: I & II
Lightning Labs - tech/ business accelerator programme
Social Enterprise World Forum: Christchurch 2017
Social enterprises - sorting the legal stuff: Mortlock McCormack
Unreasonable Labs/ Ministry of Awesome 16-20th November. Community walking tour
World Buskers Festival 14th-24th January 2016
Project Lyttelton - summer programme
Pecha Kucha PK026 February 2016
South Island Beer Festival 21st November - Ilam Homestead

Sponsor: The Beer Library: 363 Colombo St, Christchurch, NZ. Christchurch's widest range of craft brews (including ciders) for the discerning ale aficionado. 

Supporters: C-Lab - co-work space for the 21st Century and beyond. Drop-in desk-space from NZ$20 a day, or NZ$200 month. Possibly NZ's fastest broadband...

twiCE episode #6: ©43words