We're fortunate to be joined by Sam Elder, Sean Barnes and Rachel Montejo from Akina Foundation around the podcasting table. They generously front up (in a personal capacity) to talk about all things social enterprise support and development, from their South Island office based in the creative city Christchurch. When they're not talking German beer, making fun of 'casual relations', laughing very hard, and cowering from the springtime hail.

Episode runs 1:08, with an additional 10 minutes of riffing at the end.

Show notes and links:

Ketogenic Diet Akina Bombay Sapphire Distillery Social Enterprise World Forum 2016

Beer #1: Madame Brown - Beer Baroness Brewing Company - Untappd

Beer #2: Schneider Weisse Tap 6 Unser Aventinus | Weisses Bräuhaus G. Schneider & Sohn GmbH

Jaya Mangalam Gibson (@jaya_gibson) | Twitter David Binstead (@david_binstead) | Twitter

Be our 8th supporter on Patreon: twice podcast: two weeks in creative endeavour | Patreon

twice podcast is brought to you by two of Christchurch's finest cowork spaces; Quad  @QuadsquadNZ and C Lab @C_LabNZ , and by our Patreon supporters: Driedfrog Ltd, ErgoStyle NZ, The Beer Library and other generous patrons. 

twice: two weeks in creative endeavour. Conversation with innovators, creatives, and social enterprisers boldly changing the world from Christchurch New Zealand. Current and upcoming projects, events and cool stuff, with two topics accompanied by liquid refreshments. Produced and edited by David Binstead, with regular co-host Jaya Gibson and occasional guest co-hosts.

twice podcast #27 is a 43words production. ©43words/David Binstead 2016

Episode #28 records and publishes on or around 26th September.

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