Netta Egoz and Antz Rohan discuss social enterprise and Pecha Kucha with Jaya and David; squeezed between teenage hairstyles, favourite fruits and address design errors. Netta at Mortlock McCormack Law, Antz at Enspiral Accounting. @twicepodcast @jaya_gibson @david_binstead

Netta @episode #6: Tofurkey and back again
Antz @episode #5: Nightmare on pants-free Street
Social Enterprise World Forum 2017

Wednesday 2nd March Pecha Kucha CHCH #26

Beer Library Christchurch @BeerLibraryChch

9th March B-Corp breakfast hosted by Eagle Consumables
18th March Exchange Fridays @XCHC: Enspiral
Serve for NZ 
Quad cowork: video

Sponsors: Quad co-work @Quadsquad The Beer Library @BeerLibraryCHCH
Supporter: C Lab co-work @C_LabNZ

Shower these folks with positive Twitter-love, as they do great work AND support us, in sometimes mysterious ways, to get into your ears.

twiCE: two weeks in creative endeavour. Lively conversation with innovators, creatives, and social enterprisers from Christchurch New Zealand. Current and upcoming projects, events and cool stuff, with two topics accompanied [usually] by liquid refreshments. Produced and edited by David Binstead, with regular co-host Jaya Gibson and occasional guest co-hosts.

Episode #14 guests scheduled for mid March: Melissa Baer/ professional sportswoman and [self identified] farmer's daughter, and Glen Herud/ ethical agriculture.

Questions, suggestions, random stuff you want to hear in a future episode: [email protected]

twiCE #13 ©43words/ David Binstead 2016

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