Previous Episode: Judges 19
Next Episode: Judges 20:29-48

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Israel Goes to War Against the Tribe of Benjamin

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Moral laxity results from a low view of the holiness of God.

Moral outrage should lead to correction by discipline.


Take heed lest you fall.


Why did God include these terrible events in His word?

The Lord spoke to the tribes of Israel, telling them to go up to battle against the tribe of Benjamin. How did He speak to them?

What were the Urim and Thummim?

How could Israel have sunk to the low spiritual and moral level that we read about in Judges chapters 17-21?

How could Israel have sunk to the low spiritual and moral level that we read about in Judges chapters 17-21?

How many times is the ark of God mentioned in the Book of Judges?

Why was the ark outside the tabernacle (contrary to God's word)?


To show us all the sad things that really happen when people turn away from God's word and God's laws.

Perhaps God spoke through a priest or a prophet, or it may have been through the Urim and Thummim.

We don't know exactly, but from references in the law they were some kind of item, perhaps precious stones, that were put in the breastplate of the high priest, and they could be used by him to determine God's will when some major decision was called for.

Because they turned away from the Lord and His laws.

Because they had a low view of the holiness of God.

Only once.

It's likely that the Israelites viewed the ark as a good luck charm.


The Israelites had a low view of the holiness of God, evidenced by the things they did that were contrary to His law. Moral laxity soon followed. If you have a low view of the holiness of God it will show in the things you pursue. Check out your selection of reading materials and the TV programs you watch, for example. If you have a high view of the holiness of God, you will not have a problem of moral laxity in your life.

Drastic measures were taken before Israel woke up to their moral laxity and depravity. Only then was there moral outrage. When there is moral outrage, it should lead to correction by discipline. Do you see this in our country? The Lord will step in only when moral outrage, humility, confession and true repentance occur. Then there will be correction by discipline, and healing can follow.


Read 1 Corinthians 10:11-12. "These things" refer to Old Testament events, but they are written for us through the ages. We should take heed to learn from them.


"Tell us, how did this wicked deed happen?" Judges 20:3

"What is this wickedness that has occurred among you?" Judges 20:12

"Then all the people went up and came to the house of God and wept. They sat there before the Lord and fasted that day until evening; and they offered burnt offerings and peace offerings before the Lord. So they inquired of the Lord." Judges 20:26-27

"These things were written for our admonition and correction. Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall." 1 Corinthians 10:11-12