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The Exodus of the Children of Israel from Egypt

Printed Version



There is a spiritual lesson associated with the mixed multitude.

There is a spiritual lesson associated with the roast lamb and unleavened bread.

There is a spiritual lesson associated with the ritual of circumcision.


Remember, the Lord keeps His promises!


Approximately how many people left Egypt at the Exodus?

What is the conservative date for the Exodus?

Did only Israelites leave Egypt at the Exodus?

Why did the Israelites eat unleavened bread on their journey?

Could uncircumcised servants or strangers participate in the Passover?

List some of the promises the Lord has given us as believers.


Based on the round number of 600,000 men (verse 37), there would have been at least 2 million people that left Egypt.

1446 B.C.

No, Exodus 12:38 says a “mixed multitude” accompanied the Children of Israel. These non-Jews would have included Egyptians, foreigners who had settled in the Nile region, and probably other slaves from the land of Canaan.

Because they left Egypt in such haste, there was no time for yeast to act and raise the bread.

Only if they came and were circumcised first.

The list could go on and on!


Review the spiritual lesson associated with the mixed multitude. Read 1 Corinthians 5:7-8.

Expand the spiritual picture of the roast lamb and the unleavened bread.

Review the spiritual lesson associated with the ritual of circumcision. See Colossians 2:11.


The Lord kept His promise to bring the Children of Israel out of Egypt. Our Lord has given us believers so many promises! Praise Him that He will keep them all!


“For no uncircumcised person shall eat [the Passover].” Exodus 12:48

“And it came to pass, on that very same day, that the LORD brought the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt.” Exodus 12:51