Google welcomes behavioral economist and "Predictably Irrational" author Dan Ariely as part of our Modern Romance series. He discusses the paradox of choice in the "Age of Tinder," why a canoe is the best place to test your long-term compatibility, and other research-based insights and advice for modern dating and relationships.

Dan Ariely has been fascinated by irrationality in human endeavors such as dating ever since he overcame severe injuries sustained in an explosion. The range of treatments he received for his burns made him face a variety of irrational behaviors that were immensely painful and persistent. He became engrossed with the idea that we repeatedly and predictably make the wrong decisions in many aspects of our lives, and that research could help change some of these patterns. As he learned more and more about decision making and behavioral economics, he realized that this knowledge is relevant to many aspects of our life, from financial decision making, to health, to better habits, and of course, to dating.

Originally published in November of 2015.

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