It’s pretty exciting to me to be bringing you this first episode of my new podcast, “Talking With the Toothcop.” I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time and finally decided it was time to get moving. You’ve happened upon the “zero episode” where I explain a bit of who I am, why I’m doing this podcast in the first place, and what you can expect each week. Dental compliance is something all you busy dental professionals know is important but don’t have the time to learn inside and out. That’s why I’m here. I’m the Toothcop.

Compliance has a lot to do with whether your dental practice is successful or not.

All you dental pros out there know that building a successful dental practice isn’t as simple as graduating from dental school and turning on your "open" sign. You’ve got a lot of regulatory hoops to jump through in order to set up shop efficiently and in a way that isn’t going to get you in trouble. You could do the work to learn it all yourself, or you can let me help. I’m here to walk you through the headaches of OSHA and HIPAA compliance, the upkeep of patient records and more. My name is Duane Tinker, but you can call me Tink — and I’m the Toothcop. Join me for weekly podcast episodes and learn what you need to know about dental compliance issues.

Everybody needs an ally to help them know what they don’t know... so they can know it.

I’m like anyone else, I don’t know what I don’t know. That’s why it’s helpful every now and then to put myself in the place of the student, to learn from someone who’s been down the path I want to go down. If you work in the dental industry you know that feeling because the regulatory burden of compliance is one of those dark, scary paths you never want to walk down, but you need to. My company, Dental Compliance Specialists is designed to serve as your ally. We are there to ensure that you are doing what it takes to avoid lawsuits and disciplinary actions. We're armed with the knowledge and expertise to assist you in aligning your practice with the law. Consider this podcast your weekly dose of motivation and information, reinforcing the belief that you have what it takes to succeed!

Do you know what investigators are looking for when they look into your dental practice?

One of the advantages I have as your audio dental compliance partner is that I used to be on the other side — I investigated dentists for noncompliance issues. So, I know what the investigators are searching for when noncompliance is suspected, and I want to help you get through those investigations unscathed. I’ve assembled my own team of investigators that will come into your dental practice and complete a thorough audit. But short of that, I want to serve you on this podcast by sharing my experience with you, so you can be ready the next time they knock on your door.

Every dental professional has read the compliance laws that govern their practice, right?

I agree with you. You don’t have time to read and understand every word of the legislation that governs your work as a dental professional. For that reason, it’s almost impossible to comply with the rules and regulations set forth by the agencies — unless you have some help. I lead a team of compliance specialists who want to help your practice follow the necessary laws so that you are never in any legal trouble. You worked hard for your dental degree, so don’t put it in jeopardy through a noncompliance issue you didn’t know about. Let us help. Subscribe to this podcast and get weekly info to help you stay out of trouble and in the black.

Connect with The Toothcop!

Reach out to Duane Tinker on LinkedIn and explore Dental Compliance Specialists, your trusted partners in navigating the complexities of dental regulations and compliance. Schedule your consultation today by calling (817) 755-0035.

Thanks for tuning in to Talking with the Toothcop! Don't forget to follow and enable notifications for future episodes.

*** Disclaimer: Duane Tinker is not an attorney and does not offer binding legal advice concerning regulatory compliance. The information in this podcast should not be relied upon or construed as legal advice in any way. Consult your attorney for legal advice concerning compliance matters as they pertain to your dental practice.

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