We have all heard the expression, ‘you are your biggest asset.’ So why do so many of us feel reluctant to let our personality shine in business? Maybe it’s because we don’t know-how. Or worse, we fear showing too much of ourselves will alienate potential clients.

Surprise! It’s actually the opposite. People are hungry for personality. That’s what drives the connection.

I believe that by developing a personality brand you learn:

How to lean into who you are to create die-hard fans

How to create content and messaging that positions you and your services to be distinct from everyone else

How to highlight your uniqueness in a genuine and relatable way

How to not be afraid to go big or go home (or at least go bigger)

How your genuine personality creates affinity and affection.

Danielle Hughes is the Chief Personality Officer of More Than Words Marketing, a branding and copywriting consultancy.

She helps individuals and brands to develop their Genuine Personality Brand, creating content that sounds like you and giving you space to truly be yourself in your messaging.

And while she can’t pull a rabbit out of her hat, she can hone your brand message, engage your audience and deadlift you or your employees, but not at the same time. That’s just irresponsible. (note: Danielle is available for office party tricks and accepts payment in bottles of Bordeaux.)

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