Alan Stevens is an International Profiling and Communications Specialist who has worked with international clients, the likes of Disney Films and Gillette, and high-profile organisations like the Australian Federal Police to help them to understand how people tick. Alan works with business owners and executives, helping them to understand and engage their clients and prospects, enhancing their presentations and negotiation skills. And with parents and teachers to help them enhance the ability of their children to reach their full potential while improving the experience of the parents, teachers, and students.

His latest community initiative is The Campfire Project. The Camp Fire is a safe place for men and women to give themselves permission to tell their stories. To share their experiences and wisdom from around the world.

This is his #WeTogether initiative

"think the Mentalist meets Dr Phil" The Herald
"the leading authority on reading faces, globally" The UK Guardian

Connect with Alan:
The Camp Fire Project:
Facebook Business group page:
#Wetogether website:

The 7 Secrets to Reading People