Ben has led, mentored and coached leaders and team members at a wide variety of organisations in industries including Healthcare, Government, Utilities, Technology, Resources and Construction.

After working in leadership roles for over 15 years, Ben realised his passion lay in helping other leaders build confidence and be more effective, and now he spends his time consulting and coaching through his business, Thoughtful Leader.

"One of the common problems that I come across often is that "there is no accountability" in many of our workplaces. This generally means that there is a perception that people aren't taking ownership of their work, and nothing happens when work isn't done on time, or to the right standard.

Lack of accountability can damage the motivation of people working within a business, and when leaders don't hold people accountable (or are unsure how to) it can cause issues with team and workplace culture, which has a knock-on negative impact on productivity.

When businesses (and the leaders within them) are able to hold their people accountable, people feel more engaged, start to take ownership to step up and deliver. When done well, this can also have a dramatic effect on building the experience and confidence of team members, as they start to take ownership for their work and build their reputation as being a leader in their area.
Ben Brearley is a leadership coach, MBA and consultant who helps thoughtful leaders build confidence and find the right balance they need in their leadership to be more effective."

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