As a business owner for over 21 years, I did it all on my own. I had friends that I spoke to and some colleagues that would help, but in the main, my businesses were built, scales and sold pretty much on my own.

Had I taken on a business coach or joined a trusted group of people, call it a mastermind, call it a peer to peer group, I am sure I would have achieved many of my goals faster and with less stress and anguish.

I can also talk extensively about productivity for business owners and burnout ( topical at the moment )

Shilpa is an accomplished serial entrepreneur having started, scaled and sold multiple businesses in diverse sectors. She works with ambitious, passionate business owners on building sustainable growth, profit and joy.

She started her business journey selling lemonade and spending her pocket money buying the FT when she was 12.

She turns companies into profit generators. It’s safe to say that Shilpa knows how to squeeze the juice when it comes to business. And she likes nothing more than when her clients do the same.

Having tasted the highs of the entrepreneurial journey, the thirst, the quest for change and then experienced burnout, Shilpa is no stranger to the importance of a balanced life.

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