Through out the world there are stories of magical old hags who live on the outskirts of town who prey upon unsuspecting villagers. These hags often have supernatural abilities or make dark deals with other evil beings to get them. Listen as Marcus and Vic each break down an example of these hags from around the world. 

Vic discusses Jenny Greenteeth a.k.a. Wicked Jenny or Ginny Greenteeth from  English folklore. A river hag who would pull children or the elderly into the water and drown them. Marcus discusses the Soucouyant from Caribbean folklore. This old hag removes her skin to change forms into a flying fireball and sneaks into people's homes to drain their blood. 

The extended episode of our shows is EXCLUSIVE to our patrons. Vic and Marcus discuss what would drive a person to become one of these creatures. Sign up to become a patron and get access to this great content by clicking HERE

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