What's resting inside the bowls of the Earth? This question continues to plague humanity even to this day. Many believe inside the Earth resides an entire world. Rather than molten rock inside the believe there's whole new atmospheres, biomes, and even other civilizations! History is full of adventurers quests to locate entrances into this lost world beneath our feet. Listen as Marcus and Vic discuss historical people's belief in Hollow Earth Theory and their evidence of a Hollow Earth model. Many people even believe there is an advanced peacefully culture hidden away inside the Earth.
Vic sneakily get Marcus to try pickled cactus. Marcus accuses Vic of inadvertently trying to give him a sour beer. At the end of the day Marcus believes he knows why the concept of a Hollow Earth is so appealing to people. 
The extended episode of our shows is EXCLUSIVE to our patrons. Marcus and Vic look at the conspiracy of the Hollow Earth Theory itself. Sign up to become a patron and get access to this great content by clicking HERE
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