What horrors lurk within the deep that we haven't yet discovered? In 1948 a woman named Virginia Staples came face to face with what's known as "The Bremerton Horror". A creature that frightened her so much it caused her to pick up and leave her home that very day. What did this creature look like? Could it be a real creature we know of or could it be something much stranger? Listen as our hosts Marcus and Vic break down this story and give their input on this fascinating cryptid. 

The extended portion of the show is EXCLUSIVE to our patrons. Listen as Marcus and Vic discuss strangeness on the Ohio River. Most people would be surprised to find out how many squid like cryptids that occur on the Ohio River. Listen as Marcus and Vic discuss some of the more obscure cryptids you likely haven't heard of near their home town.   If you wish to sign up to become a patron and get this EXCLUSIVE content click HERE

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