In the early 90's rumors circulated of curse clown images that when you saw them would curse you to be attacked by malicious clown like entities. These clowns known as the "Solar Plexus Clown Gliders" would attack a person's 3rd chakra known as The Solar Plexus Chakra. Not only would seeing these images cause this, but even saying their name out loud cause bring their attention to you. While this may sound bizarre these reports share similar accounts from other clown like entities including "The Harlequin" and even "The Phantom Clown Phenomena". Is it all connected or all all these events separate? Listen as our hosts Marcus and Vic delve into this strange phenomena!  

The extended portion of the show is EXCLUSIVE to our patrons. Listen as Marcus and Vic discuss another clown like entity people report seeing. Many people who use DMT have reported encountering strange jester like entities on their trips. Could these entities be as helpful as people claim or could their motives be much more sinister? If you wish to sign up to become a patron and get this exclusive content click HERE

At the beginning of the episode we talk about the strange green fire ball UFO seen over the western part of Australia. While many people claim it's likely a meteor, our government's history of investigating green fire balls says it likely could be something more. See a video of the green fireball UFO: Click Here
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