Every major culture has legends of small mischievous gnome creatures living in the wilderness waiting to pray upon unsuspecting humans. In 2008 a video known as the Argentina Gnomes began to circulate, bringing these creatures to the forefront of paranormal discussions. Known as "The Duende" in South America, listen as Marcus and Vic compare these creatures to their European cousins. Our hosts explain the legends behind these fascinating creatures and try to come up with an answer as to why they seem so interested in humans. 

The extended portion of the show is EXCLUSIVE to our patrons. Listen as Marcus and Vic discuss the early findings into their investigation of the town of Leavenworth, IN. In 1937 a massive flood struck the cities on the Ohio River. It destroyed many buildings in what's known as "Old Leavenworth", but left a rich history and definitively created some paranormal phenomena! If you wish to sign up to become a patron and get this exclusive content click HERE

See the original Argentina Gnome video: Click Here
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