For several decades people have reported seeing strange "Black Stick Men" walking around in our world. Described as having thin stick like limbs and elongated bodies these entities look as if they leaped right out of a drawing. Not to be confused with shadow people these entities appear as 2-dimensional stick figures that almost disappear when they turn sideways. Marcus and Vic attempt to break down why these entities look the way they do and try to get to the bottom of where they come from.  

Also discussed is the breaking news from the UFO community. On May 13, 2020 the people of Rio de Janeiro reported seeing strange blue lights in the sky, until military helicopters shot one of the UFOs down. With the internet buzzing Marcus and Vic tell you the most recent developments regarding this breaking UFO case. 

The extended portion of the show is EXCLUSIVE to our patrons. Marcus and Vic discuss the legend of The Rock Apes, also known as the Batututs of Vietnam. During the Vietnam War American soldiers reported stories of man sized creatures covered in fur. These creatures would hurl rocks at American and enemy troops. Grizzly stories of these creatures going on rampages made even the most steadfast solider afraid to enter the jungle. If you wish to sign up to become a patron and get this exclusive content click HERE

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