What kind of mysteries does our ocean hold? Today Marcus and Vic look at one of the most recent mysterious to arise from the deep, The Baltic Sea Anomaly. While out searching for buried treasure Peter Lindberg and Dennis Åsberg stumbled upon a massive under water object that baffles the science community. Shaped like the famous Millennium Falcon this massive object is definitely out of place and the more we learn about it, the more questions it brings up. Is it a crashed UFO, an underwater monolith, or even a portal to another world? Join our hosts as they delve deep into this mysterious and bring up some questions of their own.  

The extended portion of the show is EXCLUSIVE to our patrons. Marcus and Vic talk about some of their personal encounters with Shadow People. Both encounters have the shadow people doing some rather odd behaviors. One involved Marcus while on a car ride home while Vic recalls his encounter with one sitting outside his home late one night.  If you wish to sign up to become a patron and get this exclusive content click HERE

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