The Point Pleasant Disaster is a situation many paranormal investigators are familiar with. Around the time of the Silver Bridge collapse sightings of the famous Mothman began to occur. While many are familiar with the story most are not familiar with several other paranormal events and sightings surrounding the area at the time. Vic following the work of John Keel outlines a distinct timeline for listeners to follow along with. 

Our hosts tackle interesting concepts such as a possible territory radius for the Mothman. They discuss the age old question of whether the entity is a biological entity, an alien, or possibly from another plane of existence. Of course our hosts always tackle these age old questions in a modern unique way. Finally Vic decides to fat shame the great California condor. How does he do this? Listen to find out!  

The extended episode of our shows is EXCLUSIVE to our patrons. 2020 saw the rise of a particularly dangerous Tik Tok challenge that saw the rise of sightings of an OG entity for the channel. Marcus discusses how Hatman sights are on the rise with a dangerous challenge involving Benadryl. Sign up to become a patron and get access to this great content by clicking HERE

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