Ever found a mysterious set of stairs deep in the woods? This is a bizarre phenomena Marcus and Vic have been trying to bring to the masses for years. They delve deep into the legends surrounding people who have encountered them. Originally posted by a redditor claiming to be with search and rescue, since then multiple accounts have flooded the internet of what people have encountered with them. Everything from lapses in time, cryptid sightings, and even disappearances have been connected with these mysterious staircases. Listen as our hosts break down the legends and explore who or what are behind these strange stairs. 

The extended episode of the show is EXCLUSIVE to our patrons. We explore the sightings of flying witches down in Mexico. Unlike your typical cursing a magic apple these witches are not like what you'd expect. Everything is different about them from how the fly and even how the terrorize locals. If you wish to sign up to become a patron and get this exclusive content click HERE

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