April is here and it's time to delve into The Conspiracy Iceberg. Born on the /x/ paranormal subreddit of 4chan The Conspiracy Iceberg collect several conspiracies and compiles them into a tier system on an iceberg. Since most of our listeners are pretty knowledgeable about the paranormal we decided to start on Tier 3. You can still see the sky and the top of the iceberg, but these conspiracies start getting pretty out there. 

Marcus and Vic delve into conspiracy theories involving string theory, illuminati blood banks, and even one about The French government releasing venomous snakes into the wild. They explore each conspiracy and challenge the basis for some and give possible evidence of others. This is going to be a great month delving into weird and horrifying possibilities of our reality. 

The extended episode of our shows is EXCLUSIVE to our patrons. Vic and Marcus argue out a conspiracy surrounding Arnold Schwarzenegger. Marcus and Vic get into an argument over Deep Sea Labs over whether technology to explore space is more difficult to explore space vs the ocean.  Sign up to become a patron and get access to this great content by clicking HERE


Check out the Conspiracy Iceberg here:



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