On tonight's show we broke the news that Scopely HQ was making a change to the Sela power gained auction. How does this fare for players? Is this a good change? While domination auctions are great, and they are, it's dangerous to mess with a mechanic that includes OTHER metrics, and not only that, but again, for the second month in a row, a change is made that throws players off kilter less than 48 hours before an event. What are the ramifications for this auction? PLUS, Conquest actually seems like a huge hit, and paid out just STUPID amounts of rss and materials. How can you flip the script coming up this week? The mechanics are within and we invite you to share with your team, sub to our channels, and ENJOY the show! 

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Don't forget to subscribe to YT and comment on our 5k mats video for your chance to win 500 materials coming up on Wednesday!