WARNING! This podcast is an audio simulcast of a YouTube Stream. Some elements of this show will direct to items you see on the screen, as we were on YouTube and showing off certain items or images. For the fullest benefit, please visit our YouTube channel by linking over from www.talkingtrekstfc.com

Tonight we decide to get together and blow some ultras for the SLB. While we're at it we're gonna grind some borg, talk about the Klingon Rites AMS and WHY IT'S SOOOOOO worth it as a team, and talk abot some of theSyndicate XP buffs and Epic Ghrush. What is he good for? DJz has an unorthodox use for him, but it seems to be working. 

Plus some yellin at Discord With DJz. That was fun. 

Good times had by all! Visit us online at www.talkingtrekstfc.com for more info!