YO TREKKERS! Thanks for another great show! We start out with a bit more recap on Arc 2 before moving into one of the larger pieces of feedback from the first two Duality Arcs, which was the large number of armada driven events in the game. Seems like we were asked to do more than we could possibly do without spending money. BUT is that actually true? Can the armada model actually be mathematically proven to work month after month? We think so, so let's drive in and do some balance between saving directives, AND guaranteeing your chests and rare directive acquisition as well. Also, please be sure to listen near the end for our initiative this holiday season and please send us your emails to nominate a family in need of a bit of Christmas Spirit this year. Email your nominations to [email protected] for the Talking Trek Team to help provide a little extra Christmas Cheer. 

Thank you all! Please share with your team, sub to our channels, and ENJOY the show! Our links are online at www.talkingtrekstfc.com