Anuela Ristani is the Deputy Mayor in Tirana, the capital city of Albania. As the city faced rapid urban growth in the last decades the government had to find a way to face the challenges coming along with uncontrolled urbanization. Tirana’s leadership saw a sustainable mobility concept as a solution for using the available space as efficiently as possible and creating a more livable city at the same time. In this episode we talk with Deputy Mayor Anuela Ristani about the challenges Tirana faced and the solutions the government put forward to solve them.

Sustainable Mobility as backbone for safe and livable cities

Anuela Ristani is the Deputy Mayor in Tirana, the capital city of Albania. As the city faced rapid urban growth in the last decades the government had to find a way to face the challenges coming along with uncontrolled urbanization. Tirana’s leadership saw a sustainable mobility concept as a solution for using the available space as efficiently as possible and creating a more livable city at the same time. In this episode we talk with Deputy Mayor Anuela Ristani about the challenges Tirana faced and the solutions the government put forward to solve them.

Strolling Tirana – A sustainable mobility guide for Tirana
Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan of Tirana
Child-Friendly Streets
More Sustainable Mobility Podcasts
Join our e-learning course: Transforming Urban Mobility - Online Course FutureLearn

Many thanks to

Our TUMI Partners ADB, BMZ, C40 Cities, CAF, GIZ, ICLEI, ITDP, KfW, SLOCAT, UN-Habitat, WRI

Our Guest Anuela Ristani LinkedIn/Twitter

Our colleagues from GIZ Albania

Our moderators Leonie Guskowski and Marvin Stolz

Max Bleß from audioBoutique for the sounddesign

Sebastian Hofer from freifahrt for the concept and production support


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