GUEST HOST: Anselmo Ramos, Co-Founder and Creative Chairman of GUT. Founded just four years ago, Gut has been an Ad Age A-List Agency 4 years in a row. The agency’s string of successes culminated at this year’s Cannes, where GUT won 35 Lions, becoming the #1 Independent Network of the Year, Latin America Network of the Year, and GUT Buenos Aires became both Independent Agency of the Year and Global Agency of the Year.

GUEST: Colleen DeCourcy, Chief Creative Officer of Snap as of 2022.  Previously, Chief Creative Officer and Co-President of Wieden+Kennedy. Under Colleen’s leadership, Wieden+Kennedy experienced unprecedented growth and produced a number of award-winning campaigns, including Nike's 2019 “Dream Crazy” campaign. Colleen was honored as Adweek’s Creative Leader of the Decade for the 2010s. In 2022, Cannes Lions gave Colleen The Lion of St Mark, our industry’s honor.